Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Home Sweet Home

These past few days can only be described as an emotional roller coaster to say the least.  Though my family found me complaining many times about the small town we lived in.... our home back in Washington was a place I could go to after a bad week, to see my amazing family, and to of course cuddle with my cat.  My parents and I discussed whether or not I should bring my bundle of joy with me to the city of Los Angeles once I accepted the position with Lamb & Flag.... we decided that the trip and the huge change to the Hollywood life style would be too much for her and thought life in the country would be more appealing to her. Saying goodbye to Freckles was tragic and devastating.... and no I am not over exaggerating and no I am not a creepy cat person.

The love of my life, Freckles
Saying goodbye to my favorite
After a couple days of visiting my grandpa in what felt like an old episode of the Andy Griffith Show... my family and I headed to our cabin in New Mexico to spend a couple of days reading and watching movies. Sunday my brother and sister and I went with my dad to hike up a nearby mountain that you can see from the front deck of our cabin.  My dad was decked out in his Cabela's gear.... camo and all, as he navigated us through the trail using his high tech hand held GPS.  So every 10 minutes my dad would stop and check out his new toy and I would use this as an excuse to catch my breathe. For the record, I do not remember hiking actually involving climbing straight UP a mountain. Not only was I exhausted... I felt just plain out of shape. The stay in New Mexico was exactly what I needed besides the part where my car was nearly being attacked.... twice... by the same GIANT elk right outside of town.

Our Cabin outside of Angle Fire, New Mexico

After a couple days spent in New Mexico we got back on the road and ventured through the desert of Arizona until we got to the mountains of Kingman.  We woke up early the next morning and continued west until we found ourselves at the California state line.  My dad was lucky enough to be pulling my UHAUL and was told to show the people at the state line what was in the trailer to make sure we were not bringing food, plants, or animals across the state line.  Though it was somewhat entertaining to see my dad forced to get out of his vehicle like some kinda of fugitive.... I did find myself worried my dad would have to pull out all my stuff that they had packed earlier that week.  Thankfully he did not and we headed towards LA where we arrived at my apartment complex on Tuesday afternoon.

Wednesday I bought my very own couch and then dragged my family to a Target in West Hollywood.  Parking was an adventure since none of us had been to a Target that looked nearly 3 stories high.  My dad does claim he possibly saw a celebrity inside the Target though he does not know her name, what she was in, or even if she was a singer or an actor.  The woman was in fact wearing a baseball camp pulled over her eyes as she rushed into the Target and darted towards the check out line where she received many double takes by the cashier and those around.  My dad obviously needs to watch E! News more so that we would not run into this problem.  I am sending him a People magazine tomorrow so that he can study before his next visit to LA.

Thursday we finally got to see the sights.  First we headed to Griffith Park located by Hollywood Hills so that my brother and sister could see all of LA. The trip was partially a bust because of the "June Gloom" which means it doesn't get sunny until around 4.... so the fog made it very hard to see much of LA.  After the park we headed to Hollywood Blvd. so I could see the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Lets just say this was a huge disappointment.  The people who hassle you trying to get you to take a bus tour was bad enough... but the CREEPY dudes who were dressed up in Star War costumes who caused me to miss where the fabulous famous people but their hands in cement which means they are the famous of the famous... because the Star War lookalikes where too busy forcing me to take a photo with them and then asked my sister for a TIP. I was beyond disgusted. But no this was not the end of it... there were also wannabe hip hop stars who were forcing their CD's into my brother's face. When he finally grabbed one out of his face.... the wannabe demanded to be paid for his wannabe hits.  To the wanna be hip hop stars on Hollywood Blvd. if you have to guilt people into buying your CD's because you force them on them.... your career will in fact be awkward. Finally we got to head out to Malibu through the mountains and then headed towards Santa Monica where we hung out on the beach and my brother and sister got to see the ocean for the first time. Though the traffic was terrible getting back we spent the rest of the evening finishing up my apt and swimming in the pool.

Griffith Park Observatory

The "June Gloom" and the Hollywood Sign

Me at the Hollywood Walk of Fame next to Judy Garland's star (Dorthy off the Wizard of Oz)

Getting harassed by the Star War look-a-likes

My brother and sister's first time in the ocean

With my favorite brother and sister 

Yesterday morning my family left which was very hard. I start work at Lamb & Flag Monday morning. I am excited for what's to come but am also very scared. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

Kelso... you and Matthew need to book a flight!
Megan.... please visit me or better yet move out here as soon as you can!
Matt, Tommy, Derek, and Jaree.... you know what you promised me... hold up your end of the deal.
Jess-ICA.... still mad we didn't get to say goodbye... so make it up to me with a visit to Cali!
Kayla Marie.... start saving your money so you can come visit me!
Arika.... I feel like I've gained some weight but I PROMISE I will fit into my dress for your wedding in October.

Wishing you all my best,


1 comment:

  1. Looked up flights today....I think I can manage a trip in the near future. :) Miss you!

    - Your bff, Jess
