Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Oh you're using open flames in your wedding? How nice."

Sorry I over hyped how I would be updating my blog more often due to writing shorter posts.  My apologies.  I know you are eagerly awaiting for my excuse as to why I haven't been updating my blog on a weekly, let alone bi-weekly basis. Well, here goes: Kansas State Football Season.  Yes family and friends, I am blaming my lack of blogging, on K-State football. For those of you who are wildcat fans, this excuse should seem reasonable, without question.  The success of KSU this season has caused my Saturday's to be filled with "tailgating," jumping down in excitement, and an excuse to overeat hotdogs, chips, and 3 layer dip. As you can see, there has been little time for blogging.  Some of you might ask "Why don't you update your blog on a Sunday?" Well for those who have never celebrated a wildcat victory, I am sure you are the ones who would even ask this.  A wildcat victory results in an entire day of re-cooperating from celebrating.  There is little, to no time for blogging.

Besides the excitement of a pretty good football season for the cats, I have also found myself venturing to the beach and seeing dolphins for the first time.  My only disappointment was that they don't jump really far out of the water and do cool flips.  Apparently this is only at SeaWorld or in the movie "Flipper."  Once again Disney has found a way to give me a false perception of the world around me. I will never get used to seeing the ocean and still can't believe how incredible the weather is out here.  I often tease my coworkers about what they consider "cold weather" and still can't believe that 65-70 weather is cold enough to wear a scarf.  I often forget how out of my element I am out here.

I recently traveled back to Kansas in order to attend, and actually be a part of my cousin Arika's wedding.  After staying a couple days with the bride-to-be... I was a little worried that Arika and Koltin would elope.... and most importantly, I was concerned that Mowgli and I would not be invited.   I had no idea that weddings were so stressful.  From my previous experience, you show up with a gift in hand and that's a guarantee to a good time.  Free food, drinks, and pretty decorations.  This time around... I was expected to show up on time to places, like the rehearsal... where I was informed there would be open flames down the entire aisle.  Either my past experience with fire was not taken into consideration before they decided to use candles as a main form of decor, or Arika was completely aware of this, and opted on the open flames anyway.  I can't help but suspect the later.  Apparently when you are part of the wedding and staying with the bride, free of charge, you are also expected to help.  I was some what excited of what huge task I would be given, that could possibly save the wedding, when my cousins informed me I was entrusted with... program folding.  Let's just say... I am not a fast folder but everyone at the ceremony knew exactly who I was because of the programs they had in hand.  Another task of being a part of the wedding party, is pictures.  Now this part, I was entirely prepared for.  My hair was professionally done, I took an extra 5 minutes to do my make-up (since I used eye shadow) and I had on 5.5 inch heels.  I was ready for my close up.  The thing was, no one told me that pictures took so long... and that my feet would be killing me an hour in.  By the time of the wedding... I was chugging 5 hour energy shots and trying to recite Victoria Beckham's motto on wearing high heels.... "No pain,  no gain."  As the music started and the 150 candles were lit, I started to get a little nauseous.  Everyone was staring... and I was in heels that I could barley walk in.... and was it just me.... or were there even more candles then there were an hour ago... and were the flames even bigger?  I looked down the aisle and smiled at my Uncle Gary, who performed the ceremony.  I prayed to God that I would not fall.... and that I would not catch my grandmother's church on fire.  Once I reached the front of the church... I finally took my first breath.  Miracles do happen.  The next biggest task was making sure to not miss the cue of stepping towards the stairs.... I messed this up the night before in rehearsal, an even my grandma had pointed at me and teased.  I would not make that mistake again.  The ceremony went by fast and I didn't miss my cue of stepping forward.  I blended in and acted like I knew exactly what was going on.

Regardless of the unexpected stress from being a part of a big family wedding, I had one of the best days of my life.  My cousin looked beautiful and she was marrying a great guy.  I am so proud of her and can't believe what an amazing woman she has become.  Sure, she's clumsy and likes the human eyeball more than a person should, but she is one of my best friends and has been like a sister to me since I can even remember and I don't know what I would do without her.  I am so happy for her and so glad she let me be a part of her big day.  I am sure she does not regret having me in her wedding either... as I reminded her every 20 minutes to take pictures, as she only got one day in her life to look that pretty.

I can't wait to head home for Thanksgiving to see my my parents, brother, sister, and the Wilson's.  I can't wait to sleep in my room for more than one night and I can't wait to eat my mom's cooking.  November could not come quick enough and I am so thankful for all my friends and family who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers during all my ups and downs our here in Cali! I will do my best to update my blog more often,  though I know I have promised this before!

Sending you my love from Cali,


Friday, September 23, 2011

"Hi My Name is Katie, and I am the Author of the Worst Blog, Ever."

I've made it apparent that I suck at blogging.  I think it's because I always want to save up for something super exciting and regardless of the many typing errors that occur throughout my rambling... I do take some time to think about what I put into each post.  Mostly just so that I don't keep going on and on and bore those who are required to read it, such as my family members... and Jessica Fiser.

So as a way to get back into the swing of my blogging... I've decided to make my next few posts a little shorter, in hopes to post more often.  I know you guys are thinking "FINALLY!  I no longer have to spend 30 minutes reading about space washing machines, one of god's chosen people who drives a Lexus, and Mowgli... the dog who gets mentioned in social media more than Kim Kardashian."  Yes friends... I do realize that I am obsessed... and I have tried to stop sending out mass texts of pictures of my little bundle of joy.

To catch up those who may not follow my every day life on twitter  I thought I should let you all know how I am doing.  I am doing great out here in LA!  I love the weather and I love my job!  The Lamb & Flag store opening did get pushed back until the middle of December, which almost gave me a heart attack, but fear not my friends.... the website is still launching on 11.11.11 so you have NO EXCUSE not to go to and order shirts, hoodies, and jeans for all your family and friends.   I have been given more responsibility at work and am starting to really feel like a member of the development and production team.  I am still in way over my head, but I am learning new things every day.  God only knows what I would do without Dre, one of my coworkers, who has the best sense of humor and helps me compose e-mails to vendors who don't speak English as a first language.  We have been given word that we will be moving to a new office location here in the near future. The marketing/retail/ecomm team for Kellwood is growing fast with all the new acquisitions and the Lamb & Flag team is expected to start growing here in the next year. We are most likely going to move out to Culver City where there are many spaces that were previously used by Sony Studios.  Culver City is a nice area that is actually closer to the beach and probably around a 30 min drive for me.  I will mostly likely have to get on the freeway (Lord help me) to get to work, but only for about 3 miles.

Mowgli is still going to work with me everyday though he has found himself now tied to my desk because he tends to want to go and visit everyone and walk on all the new samples we get in.  Mowgli and Benji (the other Morkie who goes to work in the Kellwood office) have not yet become best friends, since Mo still hasn't realized the best way to make friends is not by biting.  Mo has become quite the celebrity in the area we work out in Beverly Hills and he has no problem walking up to complete strangers and saying "Hi!" by wagging his nub of a tail.  Benji has found himself a talent agent (I am completely serious) and actually had a meeting this weekend with him.  I've been debating on sending Mowgli's pictures in, to see if he can be the next big thing in the animal Hollywood Scene.  I definitely think he as a shot at beating out the yellow lab K9 Advantix puppy... if not even playing a starring role in the next animal lover movie such as "Homeward Bound: The Next Generation."  I think Mowgli needs to start pulling his weight around here... bring in an income to help pay off all his vet bills and $5 a can dog food that he is required to eat. Pretty soon I'm considering charging him rent since he takes up half my bed.

One of my friends from back at K-State came to visit me here in LA.  Scott and I went to all my favorite places to eat and laid out at Venice Beach, drove out to Santa Monica and Malibu, checked out Griffith Park, and even walked around Hollywood and saw the wax museum.  We met up with my friend Kelsey and went out on the town one of the nights he was here which was a lot of fun but showed all three of us that we are not in college anymore and that we may be in denial of the fact that we just can't hang like we used to... considering we left by the time most people were getting to the club.  A year ago I would have been ashamed of someone like me... and called them old.  Now I realize... I wasn't very nice a year ago... I am not old... just out of practice.  I don't know if the two versions of me would have been friends in college... maybe... since I was friends with Kelsey Fagan all through college. Just kidding friend!
Hollywood Walk of Fame
My friend Kelsey and I before going out 
My friend Scott and I at Griffith Park
But in short, LA is great, my job is fantastic, the weather is phenomenal, but I do miss everyone back in Kansas.  I took some things for granted back in the wheat state, such as checking the weather every morning, always having a topic to talk about to someone you barely know... such as "sooo this weather has been super crazy, right?" as well as the fact that I have only got to use my cruise control twice since I have lived out here... my led foot... has gotten heavier.  I promised to keep this post short and I will treat you to more "exciting" stories here in the next few days... I just hope that my "fans" don't lose any sleep awaiting my next post... because it's going to be so good!

Sending you my love from Cali,


I had to put at least one picture of him on here!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Superhero Dreams... Do not MAKE you a SUPERHERO.

My apologies on the time between posts.  Nothing beats getting called out for your lack of blogging than skyping with your family, your grandparents, and your uncle and having them tell you "you don't have to ONLY blog every time something bad happens."  They make a valid point. I have also heard this from my parents this past week and half "Chelsea blogs WAYYY more than you do."  Welp Chelsea L'Ecuyer... obviously you are still winning over my parents... I guess some things will never change.

I have been in Los Angeles for a little over a month and it's safe to say I still have no clue what I am doing.... or for part of the time, where I am going.  I have found that making friends in a big city like LA is harder than I originally thought.  Once you're out in the real world it's harder to find things that you have in common with someone when you don't have school or a team to share experiences with.  Don't get me wrong, I love the people I work with but I am coming to find that I am in fact that baby of Lamb & Flag, as well as the baby of Kellwood's Beverly Hills office.  I find myself surrounded by people who have experience in the work force and in the industry with several other companies and several brands.  I am in fact one of the only rookies on the team... where my experience doesn't go much farther than making a great margarita at Kites Bar & Grille and being able to properly check someone out while using a register while working at Hollister.  So far, I haven't been asked to make a margarita and I haven't had to use a cash register or remove ink tags.  Everything that I learn at Lamb & Flag is all new to me.  I had no idea so much thought went into fabric choice and how it is washed.  I had no idea a garment required so many fittings in order for it to not look absolutely ridiculous.  And I also had no idea how much starring at a computer all day could cause such terrible head aches and at times.. make me and my coworker Dre, act a little crazy.  I love my job and am so excited for Lamb & Flag to open on 11/1/11.  I expect all my friends and family to start shopping there, whether it be here at the LA store or online.  YOU WILL ALL LOVE LAMB & FLAG... whether you like it or not.

I have learned many more valuable lessons while living in Los Angeles.  One being... DO NOT TRUST ANY ONE.  One day when going to take my trash out... I noticed that my welcome mat, that my little brother helped me pick out... was missing. At first I thought I had lost my mind. I looked up and down the hall and noticed everyone else still had their welcome mats.  I text my dad... who automatically assumes its the punks that take over the pool every weekend.  A week later... my ipod got stolen while I was laying out by the pool.  I was sitting right there and turned my head the other direction and someone must have swooped it up.  This time I was determined it was one of the little punks who takes over the pool.  I actually see the kid who I am 80% positive stole my ipod, every couple days in the hall.  I give him a death glare until he obviously starts to look uncomfortable.  You better watch your back klepto kid.

One of my friends from K-state moved out to LA a few weeks ago. She lives out in Marina Del Rey (you know, like the George Strait song) so she is very close to the beach.  2 weeks ago we met up for dinner, drinks, and went out to a bar in Santa Monica.  We had a lot of fun but spent quite a bit of money and decided next time we would have to make our food and drinks before we go out.  The next weekend we went to Venice Beach.  It was kind of windy and the sand was pretty much blowing up my nose and in my ears.   We even had to have a conversation with this creepy dude who later went on to feed seagulls tons of bread that he threw... towards where we were laying out.  Let just say I felt like was in Alfred Hitchcock's film "The Birds" and I was NOT pleased.  We decided to grab lunch at a cool bar on the board walk and then relocated to the marina's beach where there was no wind... and a lot of families.  We found this one girl quite entertaining... as she failed... over and over again... at flying a kite. Just for the record... one of my friends... James Dawson to be exact... told me that black people don't like to hang out in the sun or spend much time on the beach.  This must be a false statement... because in Marina... there were many black families that were totally content being out in the sun... even though of some of the kids were wearing sock in the sand... which I didn't really get.  My friend and I then headed out for a movie where I was lucky enough to meet my first RUDE person in Los Angeles.  For one thing, this older couple did not follow the "seat buffer rule."  You know the rule that says you leave a seat in between you and complete strangers to keep all parties involved from being uncomfortable.  This was a red flag from the get go.  The next sign, was the fact that the older woman was touching her husband in inappropriate places that made me want to throw up on my popcorn.  After that, it all went down hill.  The next thing that happened made me want to smack the guy in the face... which could be due to the fact that I have been watching way too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer which at time makes me BELIEVE that I have super hero strength and can do awesome karate moves too... The guy reached across me toward my friend who glanced at her phone to see who her missed call was from (Her phone was on silent).  He pushed her phone down and said "Can you NOT do that... It's really distracting" in the most snide tone.  After fighting my urges to go all "Buffy" on him... I then wanted to tell him "Umm excuse me sir, but congrats on being the first rude person I've met in LA.  And also... can you tell your wife to NOT be filling you up during the movie.  It's distracting. Thanks."  Of course.... I didn't actually do either one of these things... but I WANTED TO.  Too bad the only superhero powers I have... are in my dreams where I sometimes find myself in episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.... helping her save the world.  You know, the usual dreams people have.

Venice Beach

The creepy guy who was throwing food for the the birds toward  us... causing us to be nearly attacked
The girl who must have never watched "Mary Poppins" when growing up. She can't fly  a kite.

Proof the James lied to me... black people spending the day at the beach

Mike, my mom's cousin, who is the CEO of Kellwood... was in town last week.  I got to see him for the first time since I was 5 apparently. Mike said that last time he saw me I was in a cheerleading outfit yelling "GO BLUE!" over and over again.  Obviously... things change.  Mike invited me to dinner with two other people who work at the Kellwood office in Beverly Hills, Matt and Erin.  The food was great, the restaurant was awesome, and listening to Mike and Matt debate was very entertaining.  Getting to hear Mike talk about his family and hearing old stories about our Uncle Harold letting him barrow his car to take his dates out in... was so cool and I am so glad he asked me to come along.  I did get a little nervous when he asked me if anything exciting was going on with me and started creepishly talking about my cousin Arika's wedding which she will be having this fall.  I did at some points... make it sound like it was kind of my wedding.  I am not too sure how excited Matt and Erin were to hear about a wedding between two people they never met... but they played it off well.   When leaving I got to see my very first group of paparazzi.  Though I didn't realize there was a celebrity in the same restaurant... I feel like I will have my first celeb sighting... ANY moment now.  I always offer to take packages across the street to the FedEx drop box in hopes of maybe seeing Orlando Bloom, Ryan Renolds, or Brad Pitt in my office's elevator... no such luck yet. Trust me, I will let you know when I do.

I got to visit one of our factories here in LA for the first time this week.  I also had to drive on the freeway during prime traffic hours, so I was a little nervous.  I found my way to Parmount, California, where one of our vendors is located, without any problems. I sat in on our meeting where we handed off some styles for our spring season.  I am starting to get more and more responsibilities at work... which makes me excited but a little nervous.  I am still in charge of what mostly goes on with our "3rd Party Brand" even though our new buyer started last week.  I am currently responsible for getting all the purchase orders made so that we have our items by the time we launch in November.  Apparently Kellwood has some very strict rules and regulations that causes a lot of hang ups in the process... which leads to a lot of problem solving in order to keep us moving forward. It's become quite the challenge.  The software we use is also some what frustrating...  Dre, my coworker and I, often have venting sessions about it... and have even made jokes about "Running reports" and getting styles to upload into the system.  Dre actually started making up a song yesterday about our software EBA... she's absolutely hilarious... and I don't know what I would do with out her there to make me laugh and keep me in such a good mood!

Friday I FINALLY got reunited with my car, Dwight.  He looks great... even better than before he got hit by one of "God's Chosen People" aka: the jewish man in the Lexus.  It took a very long time... but I happy to have my car back.  I do however now realize the lack of turning radius Dwight has after driving the Jetta rental car for over a month.  No offense Dwight... but you carry quite the wide load in the rear....

This week I talked with a breeder from Irvine, CA which is an hour outside of LA about coming to look at some puppies this weekend.  Saturday I drove with my friend Audrey from work (Benji's owner)  to Irvine to take a look.  Though the lady seems slightly... crazy,  I found a very cute pup  that I immediately wanted to take home. I now have an 8 week baby morkie named "Mowgli"  and he is the coolest puppy.  I've only had him for a few hours, but I can tell he will make a very good wingman and partner in crime.  Mowgli did very good in the car and was very curious with what we going on.  Once Audrey pulled up to her house and I had to drive the rest of the way home, I sat Mowgli on the floor with a towel in front of the passanger's seat.   Once we were at a red light for long period of time, Mowgli got his blance and tried to climb up on to the seat, though it took him about 2 minutes to finally climb all the way up, he did it.  He looked so proud of himself as he crawled across the car and into my lap.  Once we got home, Mowgli checked out the crib and took his first poop before I even had a chance to put a "we-we pad" down.  He WAS however, polite enough to poop on my laminated floor, which I found pretty thoughtful.  Mowgli is struggling with the fact that he sees his own reflection in the mirror... he thinks its another puppy and he has been trying to get it to play.  He loves the chew toy I bought him that is for teething puppies... but he also loves to chew on my fingers, toes, and his carrier's gate.  He has found entertainment from hopping in and out of his bed that I got him.  He's even gotten in a fight with it... from the looks of it, the bed won, because he is now currently napping in it.  He loves to eat, but I have to monitor that closely in order to control is growth and make sure I don't have a fattie on my hands.  I plan to hang out with him the rest of this weekend and he has his first vet appointment Monday morning and will venture with me to the office.

Mowgli loves his chew toy
I caught Mowgli's first accident
Isn't Mowgli adorable?
Mowgli thinks his reflection is another puppy
Mowgli LOVES his bed
I have still stuck to not drinking pop... not even Mountain Dew.  I have had a Sprite... once.... but that was at the movie theaters and I feel like it doesn't really count because it doesn't have caffeine.  I am still running during the week though I got off my routine for awhile after my iPod got stolen.  There is a 10k in Santa Monica that is coming up in October that I am hoping to participate in!  I have gotten quite the tan from my many weekends spent laying out in the Cali sun!  I sometimes think I may not be allowed to fill in the bubble Caucasian on a question that asks what your race is. I miss my family and my friends who are back in Kansas but I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity to grow up and find out who I am on my own.  I have surprised myself on many occasions.  I have come across many challenges and have some how made it through them... sometimes with a little help and advice from back home.  I will never forget where I came from and all the great experiences I have had in Kansas.  I have many times found myself saying "yeah... we don't have that in Kansas" or "yeah... no one is like that in Kansas."  Kansas will obviously be a part of my life no matter where I go or where I live.  But MOST IMPORTANTLY.... I will always be a K-State fan... I have already explained to Mowgli... that there will be no USC fans in this family.  No worries.  GO CATS!

Sending you my love from Cali!


Love you and miss you Friendly 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Jewish Man And A Spotlight From A Helicopter

My apologies for the delay in posts... you know when you're woken up by a text message at 6:30 in the morning from your mother... calling you out for your lack of blogging.... that maybe it's been a little too long between posts.  I have now been in LA for three weeks and am starting to get in the swing of things.  I have found the best route to work... which has been major torture as I past by two malls, one being the Beverly Center.  The Beverly Center is an eight story mall located on the edge of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood.  In Lehman's terms, its most likely one of the coolest places on earth.  The mall is home to D&G Dolce& Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein, Gucci, Prada, Burberry, and Fendi just to name a few. There are also stores that I can actually afford such as H&M (Shout out to Michelle Obama).  Needless to say I haven't actually made a visit to any of the malls here because I am living on a very, very, very, very, very tight budget.

The Beverly Center on the way home from work

Not to toot my own horn... but these past couple weeks I have really grown up.  I've run into more incidents that I could ever imagine that have caused me to play the role of an adult.  The first incident happened after a very long Monday.  I was driving home from work and my car was hit while being stuck in an intersection due to traffic.  I pull into a Korean restaurants parking lot in order to exchange information... and to face the damage of my poor car (my family and friends know my car as Dwight).   The last time I was in an accident.... it was with 3 Hispanics and their 5 kids they had strapped in the backseat back in Manhattan.  They were not very friendly.... and in return I immediately called 911 out of fear for my own safety.  Now that I was in LA I was sure I would face an even scarier person even though I was the one who was hit.  Thankfully I was wrong and the man asked me if I was okay and seemed sincere.  He turned around to look at the damages of his car and I notice he was wearing one of those jewish hats. "Oh great." I think to myself... "I've gotten in a wreck with one of God's chosen people"  By the way, how do those hats stay on their heads? I've wondered this for quite sometime... I just don't get how they stay on their heads at that awkward angle.  Anyways... of course the nice Jewish man was driving a Lexus... and both our cars had to be taken by Yiddish speaking towers... who set me up with cab (that I thankfully didn't have to pay for) to pick me up in the morning and also felt so bad for me that they offered to pay for my rental car the first couple days.  So within 24 hours I had my car towed, filed an insurance claim, filled out a document and sent it to the California DMV, rented a car, and found a person with a license plate # "I <3 Yidden." (that being the man who hit me.)  It has been a true learning experience.  I now refuse to take Wilshire home because within two days I found myself at the same intersection in nearly the same situation.  So now I surround myself with malls on my trip back home.

My UPS package is still MIA.  I have been in my first official argument with the management of my apartment because they refuse to be cooperative in helping me find out what happened to the clothes I wasn't supposed to buy. I now find myself calling UPS every few days reopening my claim that they keep trying to close.  I know there is probably some lesson here about how I would have been better off not buying the clothes at all... but lets face it... I can't change over night.

Speaking of changes I have been nearly a month clean of Mountain Dew or any other caffeine or soda.  I have been regularly working out and have set a goal to hit 6 miles within the next couple months so that I can drive to Santa Monica and enjoy a good long run along the beach.  I have also found that when it comes to my stuff.... which is all of my apartment... I have noticed a little bit of OCD. Its kept very clean and I try to keep it as perfect as possible.  Especially since I am now very aware of how much everything costs.   This does not keep me from still wanting a dog though.  My desire for a puppy has worsen since I've gotten here and now that I know I can bring a small dog on my flight with me and to my office... a puppy is all I can think about.  Though Cali is very laid back... my life does seem to revolve around work.  Getting home between 7 or 7:30 every night makes it hard to form much of a social life.  So I think having a dog would help keep me from being so lonely.  I have never lived alone before and after living in a sorority with 70 other girls... the peace and quiet does at times drive me crazy.  My sister and I have even resorted to watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" at the same time as Skyping so we could watch it together.   For those of you who think I'm a loser... well you may be right. 

I have been spending my weekends sleeping in, reading, watching movies, and most importantly laying out.  I have also made enemies with the little boys who apparently live in the same apartment complex and we are constantly fighting over territory of the pool area.  They are the "Sharks"and I am the "Jets" of our little West Side Story.  They have won... every.... time.  It would be easier if I wasn't the only one in my gang.  Another reason I need a dog.  So that I can have a sidekick.  I have now been pushed away from the actual pool but I don't count this as a loss... it's somewhat of a victory.  My new spot for laying out is by the hot tub... but this location gets better direct sunlight and I no longer have to open my eyes to a 12 year old taking a picture of me with his cell phone.  I never thought I would relate to the celebrity lifestyle so early in my stay here in LA.  

Laying out and reading, before I was forced to move away from the pool to avoid all the kids

I love my job and find that I am more helpful each day I go. I am still given projects because I arrived in the middle of finalizing fits for the Holiday Season so it would be difficult to work me into the work flow.  Lamb & Flag moved offices this week.  We are now down the hall in the same building as the Kellwood office where Baby Phat used to reside.  The office is decked out in white furniture and I have never seen so many chandeliers.  It is VERY GAUDY.  Kimora Simmons loved her BLING BLING.  It is weird to be in an office that appeared on episodes of her reality TV series but it is nice to have more space for our fits and for us to actually spread out and work. The best part of our new office is that we now have windows... WITH A VIEW.  You can see the Hollywood sign from my office... and I don't even have to squint.  I wear my contacts every day to work... otherwise I would have never realized you could see the sign... I wouldn't have even been able to see the Hollywood Hills.  We are to be temporarily placed in this office until Kellwood expands their office or they find a different location. So I make sure to look out the window... as much as possible.  We are now moving into the photo shoot stages of our first season, so it's very exciting to see all the hard work we have been putting in, come to life and be worn by actual people!  

My new office 

I got to sit in on a meeting with the owner of a fabric company that is out of Taiwan.  They specialize in lace and work with companies such as Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch.  I always knew I struggled with language barriers... it especially dawned on me 2 semesters ago when one of  my teachers did not speak very good English and I was constantly looking around the classroom wondering how nobody else was struggling to understand what this dude was saying.  I have come to realize that I am just a terrible listener.  In my speech class last semester one of the guys from the mens basketball team informed me of this when I stunk at a game of  "Telephone" that was used for a class exercise.  You know the game where you tell a story and by the end the last person tells the story and you see how much it's changed.  I couldn't even remember what the guy had said after 2 sentences.  So being terrible at listening... does not help when your listening to someone who doesn't speak English as a first language.  I wasn't really sure what was all discussed during the meeting... I took notes but by the time I walked out of there all I had written down was that they specialized in lace and the the dude was from Taiwan.  Working with vendors from other countries will definitely be one of my biggest challenges.  I also think if my parents hadn't moved me away from Southwest Kansas.... I wouldn't struggle with other languages as much.  So this is obviously their fault.  

I went out to eat with the girls who also work for Lamb & Flag this past week for lunch.  We went to a cute cafe on Robinson Blvd. and shared stories and talked about work.  It was nice to leave the office for  a bit and actually get to enjoy Beverly Hills.  The food was delicious and the California weather has been amazing this last week.  It has mostly been in the 80's and hadn't reached the 90's until this past weekend.  It's been sunny every day and I have yet to see an actual drop of rain and have yet to feel one GUST of wind.  I did however see the most bizarre house on our walk to lunch... with statues of every animal you could think of.  He had lions, elephants, giraffes, all kinds of things... just hanging out in his yard.  I guess this is no different than those fake deer you see in people's yards back home... you know.. the fake deer that are out.... even when it's not Christmas.  I guess this is just LA's version of yard decor.... I guess they just took it to a whole other level.  

Strange house

With strange yard decor


This past Thursday I got to spend some quality time with Benji as he hung out in the Lamb & Flag office   because my coworkers brought their pets for a doggie day care day and Benji was supposed to be playing with them.  Benji was considerably smaller than the other dogs and was somewhat ganged up on.  Regardless, he still wanted to hang out... just on my desk as opposed to on the floor with the others.  
Benji hanging out with me at work

It's a rough life

Benji hates PDM (the software we use) as much as I do
Friday was pay day and so I went to office to pick up my check (we have every other Friday off in the summer) and decided to take my check to the nearest Bank of America.  I located one on google maps that was only 2 blocks from work on the corner of Wilshire and Beverly Blvd.  I turn up Beverly Blvd.  and noticed there is no where to park... so I go another block up Beverly and park at a parking meter.  I look at my surroundings and notice awesome shopping and very nice cars.  I speed walk to the skye scrapper that was the BANK and deposit my checks and hurry back... take a quick walk through the Levi Store (I didn't buy anything I swear) and get in my car before the meter is up.  I continue on up Beverly due to the large amounts of one way streets and casually turn left... and then right up a street called Rodeo Drive.  I see a Ferrari to my right and then find myself laughing at the irony of everything.  This would happen to me.  I did NOT need to know how close Rodeo Drive was to my office. I did NOT need to find out it was only 3 blocks away.  I am trapped in world of nice things. I quickly found 3rd street and headed away for Beverly Hills and away from all the nice things.  I knew I was getting closer to home when I started to see signs I could not longer read due to the fact that they were written in Korean.  I knew I was closer to home due to the fact that more and more people were actually sitting at the bus stops.  I live in one of the most diverse parts of LA.... My dad has felt no need to keep this information from me.

I have had only one big scare for my safety since living here.  I was getting ready to go work out and was putting my tennis shoes on when I hear a loud cracking sound that could be 1) fireworks 2) a car backfired or 3) a gunshot.  (Ever since I started watching Law & Order I alway look at what time it is when I think I hear a gunshot... so that I will be a valuable witness in case of a murder) It was 8:30.  My heart races a little bit and then I laugh to myself about how paranoid I am being and that I need to stop watching crime shows that are set in LA.  My imagination was beginning to run wild.  Ten minutes later I walk down the stairs and by the pool and I hear a helicopter flying over... it was so loud I felt like it was hovering right on top of me.  I get to the rec room and get on the treadmill and look out the large windows that make up a majority of the room.  I see a spotlight shinning down from the skye... and hear the helicopter make circles around the block.  I start to panic and look around realizing I am in the only room that remains open all night... a room that is 50% windows... I grab my things and hurry back toward my apartment... I pass back by the pool and spotlight is shining down on me.  I automatically feel guilty as though I had just broken out of prison and start RUNNING up the stairs to escape the helicopter... and sprint down the hall to my room... lock the door and peer out my patio window and see all my neighbors doing the same. I call my dad freaked out and he tells me to stay in for the night.  The helicopter makes circles over my block for about 15 minutes.  My dad checked the news and saw no reports of any crimes... though I am still skeptical.  

I have ran into many adventures since my move to LA and am sure more and more are to come.  I hope before long I will have a puppy in the mix and will no longer be a loan wolf here in my apartment.  I am excited about all the things going on with Lamb & Flag and am so proud of our brand we have created.  I do miss my family and friends.  I miss seeing people wear K-State stuff and I am tired of seeing USC and UCLA stickers on vehicles in traffic.  I miss working at Kites and all the fun I had with everyone there.  I miss my cat more than anything and wish I could see her.  Regardless of all those I miss... I am glad to have an opportunity to grow as a person and to find out who I am on my own.  I hope you all know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me and I would love to have any visitors at ANY time!  Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

Sending you my love from Cali!  


Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Ummm excuse me Space Washer.... can I have my cash card back?"

Well, I finished my first week in the real world and all I can say is that I am exhausted but very eager to see what's to come.  My first day of work was Monday morning.  I arrived at the Kellwood offices on the 9100 block of Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills.  Wilshire Blvd is a main street in LA and connects 5 of the main business districts throughout LA.  Most of the skyscrapers of LA are located on Wilshire and lets just put this lightly.... traffic... is ridiculous.  I literally live 6 miles from work and my commute has been around 30 minutes, both there and back. Being from a small town where I lived a mile from my high school, meaning I could get there in literally one minute, traffic in LA has been a huge adjustment.  Sporting Kansas tags are no help either.  If I so much as turn my head for a second to look at the buildings and am not riding the back bumper of the car in front of me... I get honked at.  There are many different ways for me to get to work but most ways include driving down one street or another that are right off of the major freeways... so the traffic is unavoidable.
On my way home... stuck in traffic
I have finally gotten my apartment just right... all I have left are a few pics of friends and family to be hung on the wall and a chair that I am attempting to be saving up for to be purchased for additional seating in the living room.  It's very small, but it has become my cozy little nest. FYI... not having a dishwasher is cruel and unusual punishment. I hate it.

My living rooom

My TINY kitchen

Bar and all...

The work environment in the Beverly Hills office for Kellwood is laid back to say the least.  You can wear whatever your little heart desires and one girl brings her dog with her to work everyday.  His name in Benjamin and I think out of everyone in the office, we've become the closest.  Audrey, the owner of Benji, works right across from me and our desks are nudged together so Benji spends his day doing laps around the desks and taking naps on our paper work.  Benji is loved by all and is obviously somewhat spoiled.  My bosses are great.  The CMO, Eric, took me out for lunch my first day and is absolutely hilarious.  He has a great attitude about everything, and his confidence in Lamb & Flag's success is refreshing to say the least.  Matt, who is the production manager of marketing, has taken care of me since the day I was offered my interview.  He showed me around the office and helped me get my computer and everything else I needed set up from the very first day.  Matt has literally been a lifesaver and after sitting across from him my first couple days... I realize his job title understates all the things Matt does for Kellwood and the Lamb & Flag team.  I have gotten to sit in on a few model fittings and I had no idea how much it took to get a pair of jeans just right.  Especially since Lamb & Flag is offering a large variety of fits!  I have set in on meetings where team members have discussed various materials for garments to be made out of and all the care it takes when washing each fabric.  Being a girl who just chooses to wash everything in cold( I know my mom will gasp when she reads that) ... I will now pay better attention to what my clothes are made out of... and how to wash and take care of them.

Benji resting his head on my Tech Packs

My Lamb & Flag team members are awesome! I have been given several projects to help me learn the production process when coming out with a line of clothing and when launching a brand and mostly I learned that I need to save all my money because I want to BUY EVERYTHING!  Our designers and those who help with production have done an amazing job and I am so excited for Lamb & Flag to launch in November!  Gary, the VP of Lamb & Flag, has given everyone the opportunity to help in creating this new brand.  He is a great boss and I am so lucky to be blessed with such an amazing opportunity with such amazing talent.

My first week alone in LA did not go with out error.  Yesterday I experienced my hardest day yet.  Kellwood has summer hours which means that we have every other Friday off.  Having my Friday to myself I thought I would get a few things done that I had been putting off including checking my mail, picking up some packages, and doing my laundry.  All three tasks were a major bust. My mailbox was full of mail from past residents who had lived in my apartment including one lady who's last name was Gustafson (my mom's maiden name).  That freaked me out because 1.) What are the chances of  that happening? 2.) I hardly know any other Gustafson's who aren't related to me 3.) I thought I royally screwed up and had written my name down wrong.  The next part was the worst.  After going to the office I realized that though we have the choice to wear what ever we want to work... people are still dressed up and look amazing, because they all work in the fashion industry.  So I saw this as an excuse to buy something.... or 3... from Forever 21. Welllllll.... my apartment complex LOST my package.  I was furious.... in a quiet and calm way... because I'm too scared to raise my voice at anyone in a big city.  (I have yet to honk my horn in LA traffic for fear of someone beating me up... or possibly pulling a gun out on me like I've seen in various rap music videos).  They told me to make a claim with UPS to try and figure out what happened to it. (aka: we lost your stuff and we need time to cover our butts).  After my lost package experience I thought it was time to do some laundry. I go get my basket and lug it down the hall to the elevator and I walk into a room full of washer and dryers... and a man, a woman, and an old lady in a wheel chair with her dog. None of them speak English.  I look for the quarter inserts... but all I see is a place to insert a cash card. Well crap. I don't have a cash card or even know where to to get one. I lug my basket back out toward the elevator where I see a machine where you have to BUY a cash card ($5) and then put money ON the cash card.  I finally figure out how to do this and lug my basket BACK into the laundry room. I insert my card and still couldn't get it to work. I look around for anyone willing to show me how to use these.... "SPACE" washing machines... but no help from the little family who chose to not speak English. The only look of sympathy I got... was from the dog in the old ladies lap. Thanks for your help Sparky.  In frustration and slight embarrassment I looked for any kind of POWER button, and while doing so... I dropped my card behind the 1,000 lbs (no exaggeration) washer....  Could the day get any worse?  I looked around... still no help from the family. I could swear the dog was laughing at me. I grabbed my basket in defeat and went back up the slowest moving elevator known to mankind and called my mommy.... in tears.

When calling my mother to explain to her that my life was over because I couldn't get my clothes I wasn't supposed to order and I couldn't figure out how to use the "Space" washing machines.... she did not choose to stay on the phone and hear me complain and vent about how much my life sucked at that very given moment. Of course I should have known this... neither of my parents are fans of listening to me cry in defeat and refuse to join me in my pity parties very often.  Instead my mother decides to be a parent.... and offer solutions to my problems. Of course she didn't understand that I knew there were solutions... I just didn't want to have to be a grown up... and use them.

So needless to say... I am learning to handle things on my own... but at times... I still need my mom and dad... and their much needed and sometimes unwanted words of wisdom.  I have been eating healthier... and working out nearly every day.  I have given up my beloved Mountain Dew... and if you know me well at all... this does sometimes lead to mood swings, long days, and depression.  Mountain Dew is what I use to fix a bad day, celebrate a good day, or any other excuse I can use to drink my favorite cold beverage.  Not only have I given up my Dew, I have given up Pop and Caffeine in general.  I only drink water at work and stick to Crystal Light at home.  Yes friends and family, I am in fact a changed person. The old Katie you knew and loved... who would order the Jr. Whopper and French Fries.... and buy the cold can of Dew... well she's gone. At least for now.

I hope you all are having a great summer. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as it's obvious... I need it! Especially in a life without caffeine. I love you all and miss you all so much!

Wishing you all my best,


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Home Sweet Home

These past few days can only be described as an emotional roller coaster to say the least.  Though my family found me complaining many times about the small town we lived in.... our home back in Washington was a place I could go to after a bad week, to see my amazing family, and to of course cuddle with my cat.  My parents and I discussed whether or not I should bring my bundle of joy with me to the city of Los Angeles once I accepted the position with Lamb & Flag.... we decided that the trip and the huge change to the Hollywood life style would be too much for her and thought life in the country would be more appealing to her. Saying goodbye to Freckles was tragic and devastating.... and no I am not over exaggerating and no I am not a creepy cat person.

The love of my life, Freckles
Saying goodbye to my favorite
After a couple days of visiting my grandpa in what felt like an old episode of the Andy Griffith Show... my family and I headed to our cabin in New Mexico to spend a couple of days reading and watching movies. Sunday my brother and sister and I went with my dad to hike up a nearby mountain that you can see from the front deck of our cabin.  My dad was decked out in his Cabela's gear.... camo and all, as he navigated us through the trail using his high tech hand held GPS.  So every 10 minutes my dad would stop and check out his new toy and I would use this as an excuse to catch my breathe. For the record, I do not remember hiking actually involving climbing straight UP a mountain. Not only was I exhausted... I felt just plain out of shape. The stay in New Mexico was exactly what I needed besides the part where my car was nearly being attacked.... twice... by the same GIANT elk right outside of town.

Our Cabin outside of Angle Fire, New Mexico

After a couple days spent in New Mexico we got back on the road and ventured through the desert of Arizona until we got to the mountains of Kingman.  We woke up early the next morning and continued west until we found ourselves at the California state line.  My dad was lucky enough to be pulling my UHAUL and was told to show the people at the state line what was in the trailer to make sure we were not bringing food, plants, or animals across the state line.  Though it was somewhat entertaining to see my dad forced to get out of his vehicle like some kinda of fugitive.... I did find myself worried my dad would have to pull out all my stuff that they had packed earlier that week.  Thankfully he did not and we headed towards LA where we arrived at my apartment complex on Tuesday afternoon.

Wednesday I bought my very own couch and then dragged my family to a Target in West Hollywood.  Parking was an adventure since none of us had been to a Target that looked nearly 3 stories high.  My dad does claim he possibly saw a celebrity inside the Target though he does not know her name, what she was in, or even if she was a singer or an actor.  The woman was in fact wearing a baseball camp pulled over her eyes as she rushed into the Target and darted towards the check out line where she received many double takes by the cashier and those around.  My dad obviously needs to watch E! News more so that we would not run into this problem.  I am sending him a People magazine tomorrow so that he can study before his next visit to LA.

Thursday we finally got to see the sights.  First we headed to Griffith Park located by Hollywood Hills so that my brother and sister could see all of LA. The trip was partially a bust because of the "June Gloom" which means it doesn't get sunny until around 4.... so the fog made it very hard to see much of LA.  After the park we headed to Hollywood Blvd. so I could see the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Lets just say this was a huge disappointment.  The people who hassle you trying to get you to take a bus tour was bad enough... but the CREEPY dudes who were dressed up in Star War costumes who caused me to miss where the fabulous famous people but their hands in cement which means they are the famous of the famous... because the Star War lookalikes where too busy forcing me to take a photo with them and then asked my sister for a TIP. I was beyond disgusted. But no this was not the end of it... there were also wannabe hip hop stars who were forcing their CD's into my brother's face. When he finally grabbed one out of his face.... the wannabe demanded to be paid for his wannabe hits.  To the wanna be hip hop stars on Hollywood Blvd. if you have to guilt people into buying your CD's because you force them on them.... your career will in fact be awkward. Finally we got to head out to Malibu through the mountains and then headed towards Santa Monica where we hung out on the beach and my brother and sister got to see the ocean for the first time. Though the traffic was terrible getting back we spent the rest of the evening finishing up my apt and swimming in the pool.

Griffith Park Observatory

The "June Gloom" and the Hollywood Sign

Me at the Hollywood Walk of Fame next to Judy Garland's star (Dorthy off the Wizard of Oz)

Getting harassed by the Star War look-a-likes

My brother and sister's first time in the ocean

With my favorite brother and sister 

Yesterday morning my family left which was very hard. I start work at Lamb & Flag Monday morning. I am excited for what's to come but am also very scared. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

Kelso... you and Matthew need to book a flight!
Megan.... please visit me or better yet move out here as soon as you can!
Matt, Tommy, Derek, and Jaree.... you know what you promised me... hold up your end of the deal.
Jess-ICA.... still mad we didn't get to say goodbye... so make it up to me with a visit to Cali!
Kayla Marie.... start saving your money so you can come visit me!
Arika.... I feel like I've gained some weight but I PROMISE I will fit into my dress for your wedding in October.

Wishing you all my best,
