Friday, September 23, 2011

"Hi My Name is Katie, and I am the Author of the Worst Blog, Ever."

I've made it apparent that I suck at blogging.  I think it's because I always want to save up for something super exciting and regardless of the many typing errors that occur throughout my rambling... I do take some time to think about what I put into each post.  Mostly just so that I don't keep going on and on and bore those who are required to read it, such as my family members... and Jessica Fiser.

So as a way to get back into the swing of my blogging... I've decided to make my next few posts a little shorter, in hopes to post more often.  I know you guys are thinking "FINALLY!  I no longer have to spend 30 minutes reading about space washing machines, one of god's chosen people who drives a Lexus, and Mowgli... the dog who gets mentioned in social media more than Kim Kardashian."  Yes friends... I do realize that I am obsessed... and I have tried to stop sending out mass texts of pictures of my little bundle of joy.

To catch up those who may not follow my every day life on twitter  I thought I should let you all know how I am doing.  I am doing great out here in LA!  I love the weather and I love my job!  The Lamb & Flag store opening did get pushed back until the middle of December, which almost gave me a heart attack, but fear not my friends.... the website is still launching on 11.11.11 so you have NO EXCUSE not to go to and order shirts, hoodies, and jeans for all your family and friends.   I have been given more responsibility at work and am starting to really feel like a member of the development and production team.  I am still in way over my head, but I am learning new things every day.  God only knows what I would do without Dre, one of my coworkers, who has the best sense of humor and helps me compose e-mails to vendors who don't speak English as a first language.  We have been given word that we will be moving to a new office location here in the near future. The marketing/retail/ecomm team for Kellwood is growing fast with all the new acquisitions and the Lamb & Flag team is expected to start growing here in the next year. We are most likely going to move out to Culver City where there are many spaces that were previously used by Sony Studios.  Culver City is a nice area that is actually closer to the beach and probably around a 30 min drive for me.  I will mostly likely have to get on the freeway (Lord help me) to get to work, but only for about 3 miles.

Mowgli is still going to work with me everyday though he has found himself now tied to my desk because he tends to want to go and visit everyone and walk on all the new samples we get in.  Mowgli and Benji (the other Morkie who goes to work in the Kellwood office) have not yet become best friends, since Mo still hasn't realized the best way to make friends is not by biting.  Mo has become quite the celebrity in the area we work out in Beverly Hills and he has no problem walking up to complete strangers and saying "Hi!" by wagging his nub of a tail.  Benji has found himself a talent agent (I am completely serious) and actually had a meeting this weekend with him.  I've been debating on sending Mowgli's pictures in, to see if he can be the next big thing in the animal Hollywood Scene.  I definitely think he as a shot at beating out the yellow lab K9 Advantix puppy... if not even playing a starring role in the next animal lover movie such as "Homeward Bound: The Next Generation."  I think Mowgli needs to start pulling his weight around here... bring in an income to help pay off all his vet bills and $5 a can dog food that he is required to eat. Pretty soon I'm considering charging him rent since he takes up half my bed.

One of my friends from back at K-State came to visit me here in LA.  Scott and I went to all my favorite places to eat and laid out at Venice Beach, drove out to Santa Monica and Malibu, checked out Griffith Park, and even walked around Hollywood and saw the wax museum.  We met up with my friend Kelsey and went out on the town one of the nights he was here which was a lot of fun but showed all three of us that we are not in college anymore and that we may be in denial of the fact that we just can't hang like we used to... considering we left by the time most people were getting to the club.  A year ago I would have been ashamed of someone like me... and called them old.  Now I realize... I wasn't very nice a year ago... I am not old... just out of practice.  I don't know if the two versions of me would have been friends in college... maybe... since I was friends with Kelsey Fagan all through college. Just kidding friend!
Hollywood Walk of Fame
My friend Kelsey and I before going out 
My friend Scott and I at Griffith Park
But in short, LA is great, my job is fantastic, the weather is phenomenal, but I do miss everyone back in Kansas.  I took some things for granted back in the wheat state, such as checking the weather every morning, always having a topic to talk about to someone you barely know... such as "sooo this weather has been super crazy, right?" as well as the fact that I have only got to use my cruise control twice since I have lived out here... my led foot... has gotten heavier.  I promised to keep this post short and I will treat you to more "exciting" stories here in the next few days... I just hope that my "fans" don't lose any sleep awaiting my next post... because it's going to be so good!

Sending you my love from Cali,


I had to put at least one picture of him on here!

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