Friday, April 13, 2012

My Life Through Instagram

Apparently blogging is not my strong point, which has become apparent by my lack of posts in the last... well half year.  In order to help keep my friends and family updated on my life out here on the west coast... I have decided to try a different route.  Since I have proven that I like to take pictures of any and everything I see or experience, I think the best way to keep everyone updated, is through my Instagram.  Since Instagram is a mobile app to show photos which not all my family has access to, I have decided to use this blog to help keep you all updated - but this time through my PHOTOS!

Here are a few of my favorites from the past couple months!

Mowgli finally got his fur back! Thank goodness he no longer looks like a rat!  He has recently been groomed and let's just say the guy that shaved him last time, no longer works there.  They even gave me a discount this time, and Mowgli came out a lot happier... even sporting a bow (which I made him wear all day).
 Mowgli and I spent a lovely Valentine's Day together!  I even got an amazing card from my parents!  For those of you who know me well, The Wizard of Oz is one of my all time favorite movies!

Now that we have our website up and running and three open stores, many of us have been rocking Lamb and Flag apparel at the office.  One day Aimee, Andrea, and Kristine showed up wearing 3 different colors of the same shirt!

My coworker Andrea went to one of my all time favorite places, New Mexico, with her friends!  She brought me back this Dream Cather!  Please make note that it is purple, as she knows I love anything this color!  GO STATE!

Mowgli has become quite close friends with Kelsey's dog, Sophie.  He has now started having "Date Nights" with her while Kelsey and I go out in Los Angeles and Santa Monica.  He wears his bow tie and everything!  He looks quite dapper if you ask me.

Kelsey and I out at one of our favorite bars, 31-Ten, in Santa Monica.  The drinks are fairly cheap, and the crowd is interesting, to say the least.  Our most favorite part would have to be the music.  Kelsey has been thrown into her fair share of dance circles!  We have made up fake names, fake occupations, and fake places that we live.  We even sometimes through in an english accent to make things interesting.  There is never a dull moment.  We are obviously the same height if you couldn't tell.

One of the guys at Kellwood recently got a new puppy!  His name is Scout and he is the cutest pug I have ever seen!  He is so sweet and obviously swimming in rolls.  Scout runs all around the office, sometimes losing control and sliding across the floor.  Mowgli was okay with him the first time they met, when Scout and him were the same size.  Now that Scout has gotten older, Mowgli is terrified of him.  Scout has tried numerous times to be friends and play, but Mowgli's ears go back, and his tail goes under, and he just freezes.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  I have raised a complete wuss... just like my parents. The wuss they raised, would of course be my brother.  I feel safe saying this, because I doubt he will take the time to read this blog.  

I was very excited about Lamb and Flag's Spring 12 Line which is now in stores!  We got colored denim in and I of course had to get the purple jeans! GO CATS!   Our fit model, Megan, did a little photo shoot for all of us when we got one of our final samples in!

Mowgli has been able to come to the office about once to twice a week!  I decided to make him take a few photos with me one day!  He often gets tired of it very fast, which is apparent in the below photos.  Mowgli loves coming to the office but hates riding in the car.  Whenever he sees the car, he stops walking and tugs and pulls in the other direction.  I literally drag him across the parking garage floor.  It's like he's skating on ice.  He just slides right across it.  He is the ONLY dog I have ever met that hates car rides.  I even tried to let him out of his bag a few times and rolled the window down... he was absolutely terrified.  He actually prefers staying in his bag, where he can hide from the world.  If I had rescued him from a shelter, I would blame it on his first owners... but since I raised him since he was 8 weeks old... I can't really do that.  I must have just picked out the only dog who hates car rides and any walk that involves being by a street or large crowds.  Large crowds to Mowgli usually mean more than 4 people around.  Let's just say his trip to Venice Beach involved him constantly trying to run into people's beach houses.  Don't even get me started on his trip to the Promenade in Santa Monica.  Mowgli got so scared, he took a #2 right in front of Zara.  I of course was wearing a skirt that day and had to pick it up right as bum decided to come tell me how pretty I looked. I still haven't forgiven Mowgli for that mortifying experience. He pooped in front of Zara!?! Really? Kate Middleton shops at the store for God's sake.

Well I hope you enjoyed a short recap of a few adventures!  This is just the beginning, as I have even more photos and short stories to share!   Hopefully this is a step in the direction of my more consistent blogging.  I hope all is well!  Keep me in your prayers as work has been very stressful the past couple weeks, but I love the brand and I love my team!

Sending you my love from Cali!
