Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Oh you're using open flames in your wedding? How nice."

Sorry I over hyped how I would be updating my blog more often due to writing shorter posts.  My apologies.  I know you are eagerly awaiting for my excuse as to why I haven't been updating my blog on a weekly, let alone bi-weekly basis. Well, here goes: Kansas State Football Season.  Yes family and friends, I am blaming my lack of blogging, on K-State football. For those of you who are wildcat fans, this excuse should seem reasonable, without question.  The success of KSU this season has caused my Saturday's to be filled with "tailgating," jumping down in excitement, and an excuse to overeat hotdogs, chips, and 3 layer dip. As you can see, there has been little time for blogging.  Some of you might ask "Why don't you update your blog on a Sunday?" Well for those who have never celebrated a wildcat victory, I am sure you are the ones who would even ask this.  A wildcat victory results in an entire day of re-cooperating from celebrating.  There is little, to no time for blogging.

Besides the excitement of a pretty good football season for the cats, I have also found myself venturing to the beach and seeing dolphins for the first time.  My only disappointment was that they don't jump really far out of the water and do cool flips.  Apparently this is only at SeaWorld or in the movie "Flipper."  Once again Disney has found a way to give me a false perception of the world around me. I will never get used to seeing the ocean and still can't believe how incredible the weather is out here.  I often tease my coworkers about what they consider "cold weather" and still can't believe that 65-70 weather is cold enough to wear a scarf.  I often forget how out of my element I am out here.

I recently traveled back to Kansas in order to attend, and actually be a part of my cousin Arika's wedding.  After staying a couple days with the bride-to-be... I was a little worried that Arika and Koltin would elope.... and most importantly, I was concerned that Mowgli and I would not be invited.   I had no idea that weddings were so stressful.  From my previous experience, you show up with a gift in hand and that's a guarantee to a good time.  Free food, drinks, and pretty decorations.  This time around... I was expected to show up on time to places, like the rehearsal... where I was informed there would be open flames down the entire aisle.  Either my past experience with fire was not taken into consideration before they decided to use candles as a main form of decor, or Arika was completely aware of this, and opted on the open flames anyway.  I can't help but suspect the later.  Apparently when you are part of the wedding and staying with the bride, free of charge, you are also expected to help.  I was some what excited of what huge task I would be given, that could possibly save the wedding, when my cousins informed me I was entrusted with... program folding.  Let's just say... I am not a fast folder but everyone at the ceremony knew exactly who I was because of the programs they had in hand.  Another task of being a part of the wedding party, is pictures.  Now this part, I was entirely prepared for.  My hair was professionally done, I took an extra 5 minutes to do my make-up (since I used eye shadow) and I had on 5.5 inch heels.  I was ready for my close up.  The thing was, no one told me that pictures took so long... and that my feet would be killing me an hour in.  By the time of the wedding... I was chugging 5 hour energy shots and trying to recite Victoria Beckham's motto on wearing high heels.... "No pain,  no gain."  As the music started and the 150 candles were lit, I started to get a little nauseous.  Everyone was staring... and I was in heels that I could barley walk in.... and was it just me.... or were there even more candles then there were an hour ago... and were the flames even bigger?  I looked down the aisle and smiled at my Uncle Gary, who performed the ceremony.  I prayed to God that I would not fall.... and that I would not catch my grandmother's church on fire.  Once I reached the front of the church... I finally took my first breath.  Miracles do happen.  The next biggest task was making sure to not miss the cue of stepping towards the stairs.... I messed this up the night before in rehearsal, an even my grandma had pointed at me and teased.  I would not make that mistake again.  The ceremony went by fast and I didn't miss my cue of stepping forward.  I blended in and acted like I knew exactly what was going on.

Regardless of the unexpected stress from being a part of a big family wedding, I had one of the best days of my life.  My cousin looked beautiful and she was marrying a great guy.  I am so proud of her and can't believe what an amazing woman she has become.  Sure, she's clumsy and likes the human eyeball more than a person should, but she is one of my best friends and has been like a sister to me since I can even remember and I don't know what I would do without her.  I am so happy for her and so glad she let me be a part of her big day.  I am sure she does not regret having me in her wedding either... as I reminded her every 20 minutes to take pictures, as she only got one day in her life to look that pretty.

I can't wait to head home for Thanksgiving to see my my parents, brother, sister, and the Wilson's.  I can't wait to sleep in my room for more than one night and I can't wait to eat my mom's cooking.  November could not come quick enough and I am so thankful for all my friends and family who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers during all my ups and downs our here in Cali! I will do my best to update my blog more often,  though I know I have promised this before!

Sending you my love from Cali,
